People Try Everything to Get Perfect Hot Coffee November 30, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — Nimesh @ 2:02 pm

have-another5Coffee! This popular beverage is available in numerous flavors and fashions. Coffee is made by saturating ground-up dried beans in piping hot water. In spite of the Herculean efforts by countless companies for many drinks of diverse temperatures, hot coffee remains the number one choice of most drinkers for all main meal times during the day, and while driving in their vehicle. This hot beverage appears to be the most popular beverage in the world. Some folks take some amazing steps to make certain that their beverage is just right. Given the excitement over iced coffee, the majority of coffee lovers demand hot coffee. Surprisingly there are a few menus where chilled mugs with iced coffee have made a restaurant showing.

However, the overall population of coffee lovers drinks it at 160-degrees. There are numerous products on the market, which enable you to coax the best flavor out of coffee grounds. People try everything to get perfect hot coffee, from buying home roasters and graters to complex systems.

Many enthusiasts insist that the degree temperature of the coffee must just reach boiling point is at 212 degrees F. At this point, the water will soak the grounds over a specified time. This will bring the coffee to optimal flavor. For some others, the actual creation of the coffee matters more than the actual imbibing of the beverage. A few of these aficionados prefer to change the flavor of the coffee with whitener and sweetener. To them how the coffee tastes from the pot is irrelevant.

There are companies out there inventing an auto-stirring unit for your hot beverage. This will help those of you who especially require the addition of extra condiments such as cream or sugar. If you Google the words ‘coffee cup stir’ on the Internet you’ll find many units being described and offered for sale, some from big name manufacturers.

Danger Lurks In a Cup of Hot Beverage Some people have discovered difficult lessons regarding the dangers of steaming coffee. It is true that the liquid is likely not boiling as they try to drink it, yet the temperature may be hot enough to hurt your lips or skin. Don’t try to swallow the hot coffee, because it’s still very hot.

Numerous folks certainly appreciate the taste of a hot coffee but will (for some reason) drop in an ice cube to bring the temperature down to palatable feel taking a drink. Countless others favor letting their hot beverage cool physically as they gently sip.

Reducing the hotness of the coffee in the cup is the most certain way to be able to gently drink the hot beverage. This can be done by letting it sit. Cups or mugs with wider mouths chill it faster due to a great exposed to air. Mugs with narrower mouths take longer to chill the coffee for the opposite reason.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Charles_Etungen


12 Responses to “People Try Everything to Get Perfect Hot Coffee”

  1. bardia Says:

    Haha you know what, I have very sound kid behavior at the time of drinking the hot beverages like tea and coffee. I need to mix the tea or coffee with the cold water to make it cold enough before take it!!! Just imagine when I’m at the formal party and can’t take the coffee till it gets colder!!! It happened many times and the funny thing is that, in many parties (even the most formal ones) the house owner makes special (mixed with cold water) beverage for me and you just imagine how funny it looks to treat me as the kid!!!

  2. Ee Lynn Says:

    Let me tell you the 4 steps of coffee tasting in Starbucks that does not spoil the coffee taste and yet still the hotness of the coffee does not burn because when the coffee is cold, it kills the original coffee taste. When coffee tasting time, we try paring each food with the selected coffee of the day (eg. Starbucks Breakfast Blend, Starbuck Verona, etc.) and to see which food matches the coffee best that gives a balance taste of the food and also the coffee.
    1) Smell the aroma of the coffee
    2) Describe the coffee smell
    3) Slurp the coffee so it does not burn your tongue and also when slurping, the coffee is spread through the whole of the tongue
    4) Describe to which taste bud the coffee is tasted most
    These steps are usually done with Starbucks partners.
    Therefore, now people do not have to minimise their hotness of their coffee if they slurp.

  3. anuar Says:

    When you are passionate about something , you will do anything to get it and this happens to coffee enthusiast who are constantly trying to improve the taste of coffee of their choice. Drinking a lot may cause some effects to your health but drinking it moderately its okay, so for all those coffee enthusiast out there drink up !

  4. eason Says:

    I do not know what is consider as a good coffee. But let me give my opinion, what i think is a good coffee will starting from selecting and buying the right roasted whole bean. After that, to keeping coffee fresh, grinding only what you need, some brewing methods. And the service as well.

  5. nella Says:

    Do you know that coffee also can test people personality?
    From the article that I just read, people who choose hot coffee means that they have “warmer” personality and they will choose gift for their friends rather for themselves, and people who like cold coffee have personality the other way round. This is based on the experiments of Bargh and Lawrence Williams of University of Colorado at Boulder ran a series did.


  6. morpheus Says:

    Dude, I am not coffee fan, but I prefer to have an iced coffee instead of a hot coffee. Perhaps, iced coffee is better than the hot one. I always make a hot coffee, wait it to chill or cool down in the freezer, and only then, I drink it. It sort of refreshes and energizes.
    By the way, Nimesh, because of my coffee drinking habit, I have found out that coffee machine is the thing which makes difference in coffees. For instance: in T.G.I Friday’s they have a very expensive coffee machine which can make an awesome high quality coffee with any of the inexpensive, unknown, and low quality coffee beans.

  7. Srikanth Says:

    I don’t understand why Nella say that people who choose hot coffee means that they have warmer personality and they will choose gift for their friends rather for themselves, and people who like cold coffee have personality the other way round. I drink both coffees so which kind of personality do I have? I don’t believe in these things if you believe those then you have to believe there is different between the people who is eating vegetarian nonvegetarian.

  8. ceasar Says:

    Coffee is everywhere in our society. Many people love the rich delicious flavor of a nice hot cup of coffee as soon as they wake in the morning. In fact, many people prefer to set their coffee makers so that the first thing they will sense when they wake is the fragrant aroma of fresh brewed coffee.When it comes to keeping coffee hot, there are some steps that you can take to ensure that each cup of coffee is deliciously fresh, aromatic, and refreshing. First, you should make sure that you always brew your coffee fresh when you want some. For some people it may mean choosing a small coffee maker that only brews a cup at a time.
    Coffee that has been brewed in a French Press may not taste as well if it has been kept in a thermos. This in part due to the remaining sediment that exists in the coffee, it will continue to heat and cause the coffee to lose its flavor. The same is true of Espresso coffee. By brewing your coffee fresh and storing it in the proper thermos, you will continue to enjoy fresh hot coffee.


  9. nooraldaim Says:

    When i first came to malaysia and saw some people drinking cold or iced coffee i was amazed. How can they drink that. Coffee has to be hot hot you have to feel the hotness of it thats the main point of it. But people are different and prefer it different ways. For me the most exciting part when drinking coffee is when its very hot and you see the coffee vapours comes and smeel the coffee. This actually likes warms me up to drink the coffee. When i dont feel these things i dont get fully relaxed and may want another one. Its just like entering into a football match without warming up.

  10. amit Says:

    The research says different types of coffee drinkers which include sippers (like to consider all options) and gluggers (don’t care what others think). It seems people who drink from cups with saucers are status conscious while those who drink from mugs are gregarious and generous. Plastic cup coffee drinkers are so busy thinking ahead that they can hardly taste their coffee, relying on it as a quick fix.
    Donna also reveals personality traits through how you drink your coffee.
    Drinking coffee which is very hot, quickly:
    This is a person who is always on the move, is fuelled by adrenaline, and who lives for the moment. They don’t usually think things through before rushing in.
    Leaving coffee to cool, before drinking it:
    This coffee drinker refuses to be driven or pressurised, knows what they like, and is prepared to wait for it. They may be “fussy” in their tastes, but they don’t make demands on others.
    Drinking coffee with milk:
    This person may want to weaken a strong coffee flavour and eliminate any bitterness. These are “social” coffee drinkers, who prefer to drink their coffee in the company of others, rather than by themselves.
    Drinking coffee with sugar:
    These individuals may be feeding a sweet tooth or fuelling a day’s energy supply, but they tend to be comfortable with themselves and their lot in life.
    Drinking coffee black:
    These are forthright coffee drinkers, always on the go, and honest to the point of bluntness. They like a challenge and are fast thinkers as fast talkers – they are full of ideas, and may have a strong creative streak.


  11. Ayesha Says:

    Well,I’m not a coffee lover so I’ll drink any coffee just to make me awake and fresh.However, there are some people who willing to pay $10 for a cup of coffee!!But making your own coffee is the best rather than buying it.Coffee can be prepared in many ways and recipe.I would prefer drinking the coffee that I make myself at home. Blend the coffee with crashed ice and mix it with caramel.That is tasty enough for me.I’m lovin’ it !!

  12. ericobama Says:

    Well, only coffee lovers would have an a better idea of choosing between a hot or cold coffee. I for example, i’m not a coffee fan, though i would not mind a cup, hot or cold wouldn’t matter to me

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