Wake up and smell the coffee! December 7, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — Nimesh @ 9:53 pm

clip_image0011“Just the smell of coffee could be enough to wake us up in the morning”, reported The Daily Telegraph today. The newspaper explained that in a study on thirty sleep-deprived rats, brain activity – measured by levels of “messenger molecules” – was boosted in those which had smelt roasted coffee beans compared to those that had not. According to the report, the researchers suggest that this study could lead to factory owners pumping the smell of coffee into their building to revive flagging workers.

The Daily Telegraph’s report is based on a small experimental animal study. The study forms the basis for further research, but the implications for humans are unclear at this stage. The researchers offered a possible explanation as to why people feel bad when they have not had enough sleep, but they also acknowledge that further work needs to be done in testing whether the same genes are suppressed in sleep-deprived humans, testing whether this suppression leads to feeling tired, and identifying the active ingredient in coffee.

Article Source:- http://www.nhs.uk/news/2008/06June/Pages/Wakeupandsmellthecoffee.aspx


11 Responses to “Wake up and smell the coffee!”

  1. bardia Says:

    Yes I have recently seen the article. You are right; scientists have arranged the empirical study on the effect of smells on the human body when it is in the stand by mode!!! I mean when he or she is sleeping. I used this term “stand by” because it’s the only time your body can be settled. It was around 2 weeks a go that I received this news and you know what I did? I decided to festoon my room with some good smelling candles and dry flowers and changed the decoration of my room as Feng Shui’s advice. I seriously got the result, better to try it 😉

  2. Anuar Says:

    A cup of freshly ground coffee is what it takes to get some people moving in the morning.

    But, according to a study, it may be the aroma rather than the coffee itself that does the trick.

    Researchers believe that the aroma of roasted coffee beans can soothe frayed nerves – and that just the whiff could be enough to reverse the effects of a poor night’s sleep on the brain.

    They said that chemicals extracted from coffee and pumped into the air may one day be used as a way of reviving tired people.

    Scientists in Tsukuba, Japan, kept 16 laboratory rats awake for 24 hours, by keeping them in a cage filled with an inch of water, then exposed half of them to the smell of roasted coffee.

    After taking samples of the rats’ brains, they found that the smell of coffee boosted the activity of key genes that promote cell survival in the body and reduce anxiety, New Scientist magazine reports today.

    Professor Yoshinori Masuo, who led the study in Tsukuba, Japan, said that when people drink coffee to stay up all night, just the smell of the coffee could alleviate some of the stress caused by sleeplessness.

    He added: ‘Is it better for us to smell coffee bean aroma than to drink coffee, or would any other food-related odour produce similar effects? Further studies are needed.’

    Source from:(http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1025849/Wake-smell-coffee–yes-best-way-cure-tiredness.html)

  3. ceasar Says:

    The smell of the coffee could alleviate some of the stress caused by sleeplessness. Taking coffee when one has to stay awake for a longer period is very common. It gives one the Caffeine jolt that is required to keep the brain active. A recent study published in Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry suggests that the mere smell of the coffee is enough to keep one alert and gives powers to your brain. This study puts some light on coffee and its smell the combined as well as singular effects on genes and the proteins in brain.

    Han-Seouk Seo, Seoul National University, states how the smell of coffee affects us, in what appears to be one of the first results of this research. The test was conducted on lab rats and some of the rats had not got enough sleep. The coffee aroma has an instant effect on the brain and there are various studies dedicated to this aspect but this is the first study that is solely dedicated about the effect of coffee bean aroma on the brain of a rat which had some stress induced due to sleep deprivation.
    Seo and his colleagues gave the lab rats some medium-roasted Colombian coffee beans and recorded how the aroma affected the brains of adult male rats on both the sleep-deprived ones and the ones with complete rest. They tested two different groups of stressed and unstressed rats. This research aimed at unveiling the molecular effects of the effect of coffee smell on the rat’s brain.
    The sleep-deprived coffee-sniffing rat had activity in 17 genes inside the brain. The brain protein level kept changing leading towards a calming effect on the stress level or work as an antioxidant. If coffee smell affects less stress on the brain that is generated by caffeine that causes stress related with lack of sleep. In normal language, keeping a pack of coffee near your desk can help you fight stress that is caused due to lack of sleep

  4. nooraldaim Says:

    Sometimes i love smelling the coffee before i even have a sweep. It has this nice relaxing feeling in it.

    Everyone loves the smell of coffee. Many people who don’t even drink coffee tell me this. It signals that rich desserts are available. It’s a feeling of socializing, having fun, getting a break, waking us up in the morning. And it is not our imagination either. According to a study cited in the American Chemical Society Journal, the smell alone can create changes in the body that are normally brought about by drinking. It goes on to say, “In conclusion, the roasted coffee bean aroma changes the mRNA and protein expression levels of the rat brain, providing for the first time clues to the potential antioxidant or stress relaxation activities of the coffee bean aroma.”



  5. amit Says:

    If you want to jumpstart a day, there are many better ways you can do it – you can go and stand under a cold shower, have someone yell at you as if they were asking someone to send breakfast from the adjoining county and so on. But the best way is – to drink a cup of strong coffee.
    There are many people who sleep heavily through out the night and wake up groggy. Then there are other sets of people who sleep very badly, not even for a minimum of eight hours. Both these kinds need a coffee jolt in the morning just to get away from the feel of ‘I need more sleep’.
    Coffee is not just to clear the mental cobwebs, it also gives you a bright eye and courage to face another day. It has become more than an emergency standby. It turned into a beverage that has to be consumed many times to have a pleasant day.
    Normally you will have coffee when you wake up, when you arrive to work, during the first break, in the evening… on and on it goes. Coffee has become an all the time necessity.

  6. eason Says:

    For me, a cup of freshly ground coffee is what it takes to get some people moving in the morning.
    But, according to a study, it may be the aroma rather than the coffee itself that does the trick.

    I believe that the aroma of roasted coffee beans can soothe frayed nerves – and that just the whiff could be enough to reverse the effects of a poor night’s sleep on the brain.

  7. MuRpH "making a cuppa" Says:

    Nimesh it is very true that a smell or “fresh aroma” of a coffee can wake us up and even create a positive mood in the early morning…

    According to positivelycoffee.org, coffee not only enhances short term memory under normal conditions, it also helps to “activate it” so to speak. So if you’re working at your desk, doing what you normally do, drinking coffee, your short term memory is improved. Under stressful conditions however, coffee has little to no effect on memory whatsoever.

    In relation to this, a study reported by New Scientist suggests that coffee consumption improves short term memory, and enhances reaction times.

    But that’s with regards to consumption of coffee. I am wondering more about its aroma:L

    The aroma of coffee is an important factor in what has become known as coffee cupping, the method used to evaluate the flavor profile of a coffee. Tasting the coffee is not only part of the evaluation, but smelling the aroma is a significant aspect of this process. It is clear that the importance of coffee aroma isn’t lost on experts – or those involved in business…

    Look at one of the fastest growing companies in the world: Starbucks. This company has expanded worldwide at a phenomenal rate, yet it’s main product is coffee. Why is it so different to your regular old café or local coffee shop? The answer is in its presentation. It’s an all encompassing sensory stimulation store – including the often overpowering aroma of brewing coffee.


  8. ericobama Says:

    The smell of coffee might be good, but the negative impacts of this research have not been established, and i would not consider it safe untill both sides of the coin are made known. It would be more assuring to know the pros and cons of smelling coffee every morning, so that you fully understand what you are engaging yourself with.

  9. Ayesha Says:

    I do agree that the smell of coffee is good and we can feel the aroma of coffee when it can be served.In my opinion,the smell of coffee might not affects human’s health which is slightly different than cigarettes where the smoke of the cigarettes may affects others who don’t smoke. To a certain extent,it is true that the smell of coffee in the morning can make you awake. However, this may not applicable to everyone especially me!

    Researchers believe that the aroma of roasted coffee beans can soothe frayed nerves and that just the whiff could be enough to reverse the effects of a poor night’s sleep on the brain.


    Therefore, the smell of coffee can help people cure tiredness and give freshness better than drinking a cup of coffee!!

  10. Ee Lynn Says:

    As how coffee gives the sense of relaxation, that is how the smell of coffee is. However, the aroma of the coffee is the wake up call!! That is kind of true. It sounds rather impossible at times. I’m not trying to say that it is impossible. Nothing is impossible, there can be people waking up to coffee when they are asleep but sometimes is it the aroma itself that wakes them up or is it their mind.

    Coffee can be man’s next best friend to dogs. Majority of people drink coffee for breakfast. It reacts to different people in different ways. Some people feel fresh, some feel sleepy, and some also feel dizzy.

  11. nella Says:

    its true to say that coffee wakes people physically but menatlly it seems to have negative effects.my personal experience after drinking coffee is like i can’t sleep for minimum 10hours after i drink a cup of coffee.its good for those people who needs to be awake anytime for example reporters and journalists.according to the research and personal interviews of those reporters ,”coffee awakes me”.so depending upon the nature of work as well as body genes coffee can be the best compliment of ur as well as harmful.among the all for me coffee is the choice of taste.well done….

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